Uncompromising quality work
No chain is stronger than its weakest link. This is especially true in product development and manufacturing. That's why we have developed a unique process-driven approach where every step of a project is evaluated and optimized. This allows us to maximize the quality of the final product and exceed our customers' expectations.

What is XLPM?
XLPM is a project methodology based on people, planet and process. It allows us to measure and monitor every process in a project and use the data to improve everything from quality and material usage to inventory management and response times.
Product development is never linear but an ongoing process, and at Brigo we have a black belt in just that.
Participation and follow-up are key
We work according to an operational system that all staff are constantly involved in improving. Our operational objectives are measured and evaluated regularly in order to constantly refine our working methods and procedures in a clear and transparent manner.
We are certified according to ISO-9001, ISO-14001 and ISO-45001.